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26 janv. 2011

[Emploi] Postdoc level scientist (India) | NIAS

The National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS) is a multidisciplinary research institute located in Bangalore, India. We are searching for a postdoctoral level social scientist to work in our research programme entitled :
Provincial Globalisation : The Impact of Reverse Transnational Flows in India Regional Towns

This is an international collaborative programme of the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR), University of Amsterdam (UvA), and NIAS. The five-year research programme explores processes of globalisation at the regional level by mapping transnational networks and flows of resources connecting migrants with their home regions, and the influence of these transfers on local political, economic, and social-cultural structures and processes.

The selected researcher will design and carry out an independent project on transnational migration and resource flows from migrants. Candidates should have finished the PhD degree in any social science (except economics), preferably with specialisation in migration, transnational, and/or development studies. The successful candidate will have strong analytical skills, a sound conceptual/ theoretical grounding in his/ her discipline, the ability to utilise and combine diverse data sources at different scales, and excellent writing and organisational skills. The postdoctoral researcher will work in an international multidisciplinary team that includes specialisations in anthropology, sociology and economics. This is a full-time two-year position based at NIAS. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.

Applicants should submit their curriculum vitae including the names and addresses of three referees, a sample of published work, and a brief research proposal (3-5 pages) based on the detailed outline of the research programme, which will be sent to applicants upon enquiry.
Deadline for applications is January 31, 2011.


Interested candidates may write to :
Prof. Carol Upadhya
School of Social Sciences
National Institute of Advanced Studies
Indian Institute of Science Campus
Bangalore 560012 India 

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