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This blog's purpose is to inform you about the cultural studies, research and science world. Nelumbo is generally focused on issues related to archaeology, history, and culture in Southeast Asia. It's also a place for posts and ads about seminars or conferences, on research in social sciences (particularly in South-East Asia), on scientific and cultural events, publications, calls for papers, jop posts, etc.
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26 mai 2010

Call for Papers – Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development

The new Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development (JCHMSD), is currently considering papers for inclusion in its first issue launching in 2011. The double-blind peer reviewed journal is edited by Ana Pereira Roders, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, and Ron van Oers, UNESCO World Heritage Centre, France. It stimulates and encourages research devoted to the sustainable development of cultural heritage and to the positive contribution of cultural heritage management towards a sustainable environment.
Submissions should be sent by email to the Editors before August 2010 : Ana Pereira Roders & Ron van Oers
Coverage includes, but is not limited to:
* Cultural heritage - assessment, management, marketing and publicity, tangible and intangible dimensions
* Sustainable development - preservation, conservation, restoration, rehabilitation, reconstruction, demolition, best practices, unsustainable development and consequent threats e.g. urban developments, large-scale agriculture, mining activity
* Cultural heritage and sustainable development - legislation, Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment, effects of climate change, ecological sustainability, social sustainability, economic sustainability
* The role of research and scholarship
* Teaching & curriculum development
Submission guidelines and more information can be found here.
Website :

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