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26 mai 2010

[Article] Fort Tanjong Katong will not be gazetted.

The National Heritage Board (NHB), does not plan to gazette Fort Tanjong Katong for the time being, said the Acting Minister for Information, Communications and the Arts.
This was the reply of Rear Admiral (Radm) Lui Tuck Yew in response to Member of Parliament, Mr Lim Biow Chuan's question on the preservation of Fort Tanjong Katong.
In 2008, then Preservation of Monuments Board (PMB) recommended to keep the archaeological remains of the Fort buried. However, NParks will keep the southeast Caponier, the most significant feature of the Fort, on display.
Minister Lui explained that this is "in line with conservation practice, to protect it from damage by further weathering or human interference."
"As there are considerable costs involved in undertaking full excavations to expose the structures and long term maintenance of such excavated structures, NParks will keep the Fort buried for the time being." [...]

(Shot taken by Aldwin Teo of Fort Tanjong Katong, Singapore on Aug 26)

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