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17 janv. 2011

[Euroseas] New E-Journal on "Transcultural Studies".

 The Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe in a Global Context" at Heidelberg University just launched the academic, open-access e-journal "Transcultural Studies". The journal is committed to promoting the knowledge and research of transculturality in all disciplines; it produces two volumes per year and can be found at

The first volume opens with Arjun Appadurai's contribution "How Histories Make Geographies." Appadurai is well-known for his anthropological studies and theoretical contributions on the processes of globalization. The issue also features an article by Douglas R. Howland (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee) on the development of the notion of political neutrality in Japan, as well as contributions by James Elkins (School of the Art Institute of Chicago) and Gennifer Weisenfeld (Duke University) to a new themed series on the global history of Modern Art.

Since "Transcultural Studies" is an e-journal, its authors can utilize the internet's digital publishing options and enhance their texts with images, audio, video and/or links. All contributions undergo a double-blind peer-review to guarantee high quality research. The journal's editor is Prof. Rudolf G. Wagner, its managing editor is Dr. Andrea Hacker and the members of the editorial board are, in alphabetical order, Prof. Christiane Brosius, Prof. Harald Fuess, Prof. Madeleine Herren, Prof. Monica Juneja, Prof. Birgit Kellner, Prof. Axel Michaels, Prof. Joachim Kurtz and Dr. Roland Wenzlhuemer.

"Transcultural Studies" can be found at

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