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This blog's purpose is to inform you about the cultural studies, research and science world. Nelumbo is generally focused on issues related to archaeology, history, and culture in Southeast Asia. It's also a place for posts and ads about seminars or conferences, on research in social sciences (particularly in South-East Asia), on scientific and cultural events, publications, calls for papers, jop posts, etc.
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26 janv. 2011

[Emploi] Junior Professorship (Assistant Professor, W1) in Southeast Asian Studies - Goethe Univ. Frankfurt.

" The Faculty of Linguistics, Cultural and Civilization Studies, Art Studies, Goethe University Frankfurt, invites applications for the following position :

Junior Professorship (Assistant Professor, W1) in Southeast Asian Studies

We are looking for a candidate with expertise in one or more of the following fields: the languages, literatures, media, modern and contemporary history of insular Southeast Asia (mainly Indonesia and /or Malaysia).

We expect an outstanding doctoral thesis, methodologically sound expertise on modern insular Southeast Asia evidenced by relevant publications and teaching experience, very high proficiency in Indonesian / Malay, English, and ideally German as well as the willingness to engage in cooperative research and teaching activities including the Interdisciplinary Center of East Asian Studies (IZO) at Goethe University.

The initial appointment is for three years and can be renewed for another three years upon positive evaluation. The designated salary for the position is based on "W1" of the German university scale or equivalent. Goethe University is an equal opportunity employer which implies that applications from women are specifically encouraged.
For further information regarding the general conditions for professorship appointments, please see :

Applications including a CV, a list of publications and taught courses, a copy of the doctoral diploma and up to three research articles should be sent until 31 March 2011 to Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Dean of the Faculty of Linguistics, Cultural and Civilization Studies, Art Studies, Mertonstr. 17-21, 60325 Frankfurt am Main, E-Mail : Dekanat-FB09[at] "

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