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18 janv. 2011

[Call for papers] "Transforming Cambodia Studies", Siem Reap, jul 2011

The Center for Khmer Studies (CKS) announces a joint conference :

"Transforming Cambodia Studies : Social Change and Cultural Transitions since 1979"
Siem Reap, Cambodia
7-9 July 2011
in collaboration with :
The Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Northern Illinois University,
The Center for Southeast Asia Studies, UC Berkeley & the Center for Southeast Asian Studies, UCLA
The Center for Southeast Asian Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Asian American & Asian Diaspora Studies, UC Berkeley

Since 1979 Cambodians in Cambodia and in Cambodian communities overseas have had to contend with multiple transitions ; from war to peace, from one political-economic system to another and from virtual diplomatic isolation to regional and global re-integration. Inquiry into the outcomes and expressions of these transitions is still ongoing and uncertain. This conference aims to focus attention on new scholarly inquiry into the nature and impact of these transitions as they affect power relations, communal organization, identity formations and rural-urban as well as transnational migrations.  We encourage contributions from the fields of : History – Political Science – Sociology – Human Geography – Ethnic Studies – Migration Studies – Anthropology – Religious Studies – Visual and Performing Arts.

Abstracts (250 words maximum) should be sent to conference[at] no later than : 28 February 2011.

Please include your name, institutional affiliation, and contact address. In reviewing abstracts for selection, the conference committee will give strong preference to papers that intelligently and specifically address the overarching theme of transitions and transformations.  We especially welcome offers of papers from graduate students and younger scholars.
Scholars will be informed of acceptance by early April.


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