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30 janv. 2011

[Article] Recently Discovered Prehistoric Site Already Sacred.

January 18, 2011 | Jakarta Globe by Aidi Yursal

Medan. A recently discovered megalithic site and a mass grave in South Sumatra is now regarded as sacred and the land on which it was found as holy ground by the villagers of Segayun in the Gumay Ulu district of Lahat.
The South Sumatra Archaeology Center has said it would first need to coordinate with the Segayun villagers, who are defending the site as their own protected land, before any excavation could begin or survey plans could materialize.
A researcher for the center, Kristantina Indriastuti, suggested on Tuesday that the site was a prehistoric residential area, judging by a statue of half a human body found 30 meters away from the grave.
“The site was discovered in the middle of a one-hectare coffee plantation owned by Segayun resident Thamrin,” Kristantina told the Jakarta Globe.
She confirmed that a team of researchers would soon be sent to study the site, adding that she believed the villagers of Segayun would never allow any harm to come it. 

[...Read the full article here...]

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